Wednesday, April 22, 2020

From 2019 to COVID-19

Well if this isn't one for the books. 

The last year hasn't gone exactly as I had planned it. It's been a roller coaster ride to say the least. But, I'm grateful for every part of the journey so far and I'm excited for the future! 

Let me start with 2019. This is a year, though not free from trial, has blessed my life immensely! I had the opportunity to go to Texas and spend time with my cute cousins who seemed to make the sun shine a little brighter! Even when I was exhausted at the end of the day, I missed them when they went to bed. In that same trip, I was able to go back to Oklahoma for a few short days. It was NOT long enough, that's for sure. I miss that place and my family there more than words can describe!

When I got home, I moved out for the first time since returning from my mission; it was nice to feel that sense of independence again. Being on my own has always been a healing opportunity for me. I moved into a small apartment with girls I didn't know previously, and started working on becoming a better me. 

During that time, I met a lifelong friend. He had been in my life for almost a year at that point, but we hadn't ever met. The time we spent together played a huge role in my healing and becoming process. His friendship is valuable to me in many ways that don't have adequate words for describing. Sometimes, God places people in your life and those people become treasures. He asks us to minister to our friends and neighbors that he puts in our path, and that's what a lot of our friendship was and is. I'm forever grateful for this piece of my path. 

Toward the end of 2019, I moved into a new place with my co-worker and now, one of my cherished friends, Dorsh. She has been a light and pick-me-up in some of the harder times that I've faced. I'm grateful for the time I've had to be her roommate and to have such a great friend around me!

In November, I faced one of the most difficult moments I ever have. I still harbor some of the darkness, though I wish I didn't. This moment, if I choose to share, will be another post on it's own. For now, just know it was something that pushed me to my knees and allowed me an opportunity to plead with my Heavenly Father like I never have before. 

I never expected what came next, to happen to me. I never thought in that dark time, a light would appear that would change everything, but it did. A friend I met back in Oklahoma while serving my mission, had just returned from his mission in California. Troy and I briefly knew each other in Oklahoma, but had exchanged emails. We wrote back and forth every so often on our missions.

We began talking. For a few months we texted and FaceTimed, until his journey led him to Utah. Troy is originally from Pennsylvania but got a job here and decided to make the cross country move. He also came out here for some girl... which he never mentioned to me until later... haha!! ME. I'm some girl. 

Ever since he's been here, we have been close to inseparable. Our first few weeks together, I was amazed to learn how caring, giving, and selfless his character is. We had gone one some dates and spent a lot of time talking, but then I went up to northern Utah to visit my Grandpa in the hospital. I had a prompting to go a week and a half before I planned to. I'm glad I did, because Grandpa passed away a few days after I got there. That time with him is a precious memory to me. 

The night Grandpa passed away, Troy rode the shuttle up and drove me back home the next day so I wouldn't have to be alone. Then he went back up to be at the funeral with me and met my dad's whole family. That was such a kind thing of him to do and I'm forever grateful. 

The next week following the funeral is when the panic surrounding COVID-19 began to happen. Things began shutting down and many things became restricted. I'm grateful for the timeline of the months and weeks prior to this. They allowed us to gather as a family for my Grandpa and they allowed me to spend time with Troy and begin my relationship with him.

The beginning of our dating life was "normal"; but, when COVID-19 hit, our dating life became a series of drives, Fizz drink runs, food, card games, and movies. We haven't really been able to go out like normal, but we have had a good chance to learn what it's like to be stuck inside together for hours on end! Haha! And I guess we don't mind it because now we are engaged! 

Planning a "wedding" has been an interesting experience. COVID-19 had definitely added to my stress and caused me a lot of heartache during this time. Our wedding experience will be different and eventually, when temples reopen, we will be sealed. But for now, we are planning a small wedding with us, my Bishop, and our witnesses. CRAZY! I'm going to post Our Story so check that out if you want to know more! :) 

COVID-19 has been one of the craziest experiences I have had in my life so far. There's a literal toilet paper shortage, cleaning supplies is gone from the store shelves, temples of the Church are closed, we can't attend church, I work from home, I haven't been able to go see my family up north for a few months, schools are closed, restaurants are closed, we have to stay six feet apart from everyone, and though it seems there may be normalcy in the next few weeks, I think our normal is going to be different than it was before. 

The world is being prepared for the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is being cleansed by plague and natural disaster. God is begging us to turn to Him. We are being given time with our families that the world has previously taken us away from. We are learning to build up our homes as safe havens. We are learning to grow in patience with one another and become best friends with our household again. We are being reminded of the small and simple things.

So yes, there is fear in COVID-19 and the other natural disasters that are happening, but there is so much growth that we can experience in a time like this. 

I never expected to have a year quite like this. I never expected to have so much joy and heartache in such a short amount of time. I never thought I would be facing a pandemic such as this, in my early 20's. I didn't think I would be engaged in the middle of it either! I never thought I could have such wonderful people enter my life in such a short span. I never thought both 2019 and COVID-19 would be such blessings and trials in my life, but I'm so grateful they have been. 

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