Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Church is Not for Everyone

I have been told various times, "The Church is not for everyone." I have been told this by members, non-members, less-actives... you name it. 

When it comes to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, they are right. It isn't for everyone. In fact, there are specific people that the church is not for. 

  • The Church is not for people who want to feel broken. 

  • The Church is not for people who want to live in guilt.

  • The Church is not for people who want to be lost in the darkness without any truth.

  • The Church is not for people who want to feel worthless.

  • The Church is not for people who want to be separated from loved ones forever at the time of death.

  • The Church is not for people who want to be separated from the Father in Heaven and their Savior forever.

  • The Church is not for people who want to live a life of unhappiness. 

I am not saying that as a non-member or inactive member you cannot have a good life. However, I will assure you that you can be happier than you are. You have every opportunity to know true happiness.  

The Church offers peace and comfort. It provides the truths that today's society is missing and desperately needs. 

The Church also offers you 15 million people who are not perfect. 15 million people who are making mistakes and trying to fix them every single day. There is only one member of The Church who has reached a state of perfection. This member is the head of The Church; He is our loving, living Savior, Jesus Christ.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you are wrong or a bad person if you are not part of  The Church because I don't believe that. There are many people in my life who are not members or inactive members, that I love dearly. However, I am going to tell you that you deserve happiness, healing from your pains, eternal love, forgiveness, to know your worth and to know the truth.

And that is what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints can provide for you.