Thursday, November 19, 2015

Have I Made Satan Proud?

It matters to me if I have made Satan proud or not.  If I have lit his fire just enough for him to smile. If I have handed him the keys to my life and asked him to drive. It matters to me. 

Maybe at this point you're asking yourself some questions but maybe you already know where I'm going with this. Satan's view of me matters. Why? Because I know that if he is proud of me, I should not be proud of myself. 

Satan works on us every single day, doing his best work to push us down to our lowest point. This was said in General Conference this past April by Elder Kevin W. Pearson:

Satan wants us on his team, he wants us to be miserable... misery loves company. 

Some mornings when I'm about to get up for the day, I'll have the thought of, "Do I really need to go to class today?" Guess who's smiling at that thought? Satan. Why? Because he is discouraging education, which is important for everyone. President Hinckley mentioned that many times.

When I'm about to go to bed and I've had a long day, feeling completely exhausted, I decide not to read my scriptures... Guess who's smiling? Satan. Why? Because without the words of God, I cannot progress and come to know the truths of our Father in Heaven.

When I make a judgmental or unnecessary comment about another individual... Satan is smiling. Why? Because Jesus Christ has asked us to love one another as He loves us, even our enemies. If we judge or have hatred, Satan is getting his way.

These are a few ways that Satan is working on me and you every single day. They are simple parts of our daily lives he is getting his hands on. Not only does Satan work on the day-to-day parts of our life, but he loves to break us down when we are standing our tallest.

Have you ever been at a place in your life where everything is going great and everything seems to be working out, but then you're hit with a trial? It happens all the time, to all of us. This is Satan's way of dragging us down; emotionally, physically and spiritually. He knows what he's doing and that's the scariest part. Satan is smart and sneaky; he knows the absolute best ways to get at you as an individual. 

I think many of us know someone who was progressing so well in their life and then they were hit with a trial. They believed that what they were going through wasn't something they could overcome. It was too hard. They didn't turn to Heavenly Father and ask for help, they gave into Satan and let him win... 

They made him proud.

To all of you that are struggling through a trial that seems unbearable or watching someone you love suffer through a trial, I offer you this:

You CAN overcome your trial. Or in other words, you CAN overcome Satan. Life is hard and that's why it is so important to lean on our Father in Heaven who can help us through absolutely everything. We cannot succumb to Satan and his will to destroy the children of God, their families and the world in which we live. Stand strong in all that you do and love those around you. Share your relationship with God with those who do not have that knowledge yet. They NEED you. 

Continue to be the good person that you are and rely on Heavenly Father. Rely on the atonement of Jesus Christ and make the changes you need to, to be happy. Don't let Satan be the decision maker in your life; show him that you will beat his game. He cannot win. 

So let me ask you, is Satan proud of you? If yes, what can you do to change?

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