Thursday, May 19, 2016

Spiritual Serenity - May 19, 2016

Tonight, I have a few things I would like to leave here; things I have come to have a greater understanding of today. 

1. The role of a women/mother is divinely given

Many people today are in uproar because women do not hold the Holy Priesthood keys in The Church of Latter Day Saints. Right now, I ask you to open your heart and hear what I have to say.

This week I have struggled with pain in my big toe and about half of my foot. I thought it was from wearing shoes with no support so I let it go. Today around 4am I was woken out of a deep sleep with excruciating pain in my foot which brought me to tears. My mom was the "first responder" and, having illness of her own this week, didn't even complain; she simply did (in her words) "what mother's are here to do." 

After a while of crying and feeling much pain, my mom asked me if she could say a prayer with me. She knelt to the side of the bed and prayed for my pain to ease up so I could get some sleep until the insta care opened up in a few hours. She prayed that we would receive and answer and ways to treat it and then she thanked Heavenly Father for all we have. Within in minutes, my pain calmed and I fell asleep. 

Women may not have the same Priesthood authority in the church as men but that (in my opinion) is because our "Priesthood role" is to be mothers and caregivers. The Lord desperately NEEDS women strong in the Gospel who can help him perform those divine duties here on Earth. He hears our prayers as loudly, clearly and strongly as He does those of His sons. 

Because of my mother, I was able to find relief today in my physical pain as well as my emotional worry. There are so many reasons to love her and be grateful for her divine role and strong example.

2. Satan knows me just as well as my Heavenly Father knows me.

The end result of what happened today is that I now, for unknown reasons, have an infection inside my foot. It is being treated through antibiotics. (Additional answers to my mom's prayer this morning). 

So this leads me to the second thing I learned today. Satan knows me just as well as my Heavenly Father knows me. I was planning to go to the temple this week and that now, because of my infection, that has to be postponed. I also have very few weeks before I leave for my mission and this concerned me for my health. 

Satan has the agency to cause trial in our lives and HE DOES. He ESPECIALLY does when he sees that you have an opportunity to do good, be happy or serve the Lord. 


Although he has placed things in my life to slow me down, I plan to walk forward with the Lord's plan. I will heal and then I will attend the temple and I will serve my mission because I have faith that the Lord's plan is FAR greater than Satan's plan and even my own plan.

I know this was a longer post but I felt prompted to share my experience today. Please know, YOU are capable. YOU can overcome hard things. What you are going through may be a trial in your life but it is also a trial of faith so hold tight and KEEP GOING. And if you have questions about your faith or the church, ask someone of authority. Those individuals are called to help, teach and assist YOU.

(If you have further questions or want to try to further understand the role of women in the church, PLEASE read the talk below, it's a favorite of mine, or visit 

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