Friday, October 5, 2018

While Standing In the Middle of a Busy D.I.

Today I went into D.I. (Deseret Industries) in search of some clothes. I was minding my own business just sifting through the racks. Suddenly I heard, "Excuse me ma'am, can I ask you a question?" I looked up to see a sweet elderly man holding a pair of women's pants in one hand and his dear wife's hand was clasped in his other. 

"Of course!" I responded.

The man proceeded to say to me."Do you think these pants would fit her? They're a stretchy waist band and they look like they might. She wears a size five, they say ten but they don't look that big, I think they'll work. Do you?"

I looked at her and back at this pair of pants. Then, I looked back over to this woman who was still gripping the hand of her husband. My heart was immediately filled with love. I looked at her husband and said, "I think they will do." 

He smiled a faint smile and then said to me,"I think so too. Thank you. I have never had to dress a woman before, but she has dementia now, so I'm learning. The stretchy waist band will make this easier for me to do." Then he walked away, still holding his wife's hand and that pair of pants. She followed him, not saying a word, but you could tell she was confused by the conversation.

At the time, my heart was filled with love for this sweet couple. Now, as I type this experience to share with you, my heart is still full but my eyes are now wet. I cannot express to you the gratitude I have for this sweet man who is faithfully living vows I'm sure he made to his wife while they were young and healthy; for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish.

I do not know if this couple shares a union that ends with "until death do us part" or "for time and all eternity" but I do know the Lord loves them. I felt it today, while standing in the middle of a busy D.I.. 

You yourself may be single, engaged, married by law, sealed in the House of the Lord, or maybe your journey has you elsewhere. But, wherever you are in this life and in your marital status, I would like to share these thoughts that have entered my heart today, because of my experience. 

First, love the Lord more than you love your spouse. If your love for Him is pure and is worked on daily, the love for your spouse will develop into something more beautiful than you anticipated. For those still seeking, be sure you find a man or woman whose actions show that they love you but that they love the Lord more.

Second, work towards a sealing in the Holy Temple of the Lord and keep that covenant pure. It will bind you for time and all eternity. It will give you access to the powers of Heaven, bring stability in your marriage, bless your children and protect your family. Being married by the power of a judge/man's law, will bless you in this life until physical death. But being married by the power of the Eternal Judge/divine law, will bless you eternally and your union will be recognized and sanctified after this life. Allow the Lord to be the third person in your relationship, it is the way to have eternal joy. 

Third, please never go to bed angry. Tomorrow is not a promise for our bodies or for our minds. Never fail to let someone you love, know that they are loved by you. Life is too short. 

Lastly, do not take what I have shared today lightly. I never have really understood the power of a temple sealing until lately. Even so, I still have questions and I still don't know all the answers but I do know you will NEVER regret the decision to follow the Lord and be bound in a union with Him. Without this union, there would be much confusion at the Day of His Coming. Because we have the proper sealing powers, we are linked together and linked to our Savior and Father in Heaven. 

If you have questions, ask them. 
Take action and move forward in faith. 
If you aren't on your knees daily, speaking with your Father in Heaven, start TODAY. 
He can hear you and He will answer you.
His promises are sure.
He loves you. 
He loves all of His children and that's something we can always feel, even if it's in the middle of a busy D.I..


  1. Casey, your words are beautiful and carry a powerful message. Thank you for sharing it. This is from Marilyn.

  2. That's a sweet story Casey. We can always find opportunities to minister and you found one today.
