Friday, August 29, 2014

College Freshman- Week ONE!

     So it's Friday which means I have completed week one of college!  It has been so great!!  It's so much different from high school and so much better!  You get to choose your own schedule, which means being done with classes by 11:30 in the morning.  That's always really nice because then you have the rest of the day to get done whatever you need to.
     The class sizes at USU Eastern are high school size.  My biggest class has 40 people in it!  Only 40!  That makes it easier to be able to talk to my instructors whenever I need to!  It is also helpful because you can ACTUALLY meet people.  You usually end up sitting in the same seat by the same people.  You don't have to worry about meeting someone one day and then never even seeing them again.
     I have gotten to know some really nice people here.  Everyone is very friendly and inviting.  There haven't been very many places in Price where I have felt like I wasn't welcome.  I have made friends pretty quickly!  As it has always been for me though, I have made friends with guys much quicker than girls!  I just find it harder to hang out with girls and sometimes... It's really just not as fun!  My roommates however, are some of the funnest girls I have ever met!  I really do love hanging out with them even when it's just in our little apartment with music too loud and bringing in stray cats.  Just a jump start to my cat lady future ;)  I mentioned that a girl named Rachel would be moving in with us, however she was moved over to the apartment next to us so it is still just Seerie, Catherine and I.  We could get a fourth roommate at any time but for now it's just the three of us!
     I am so blessed to be where I am.  I am truly enjoying the college life so far and I'm ready for the frustrating days and all the challenges that it is about to bring.  I honestly thank God daily for my trials and I know what I have already experienced will not be the end of them.  Every trial I have faced in my short life has made me stronger in some way or another.  I am thankful for my family and my friends for all of the support they give to me.  I am thankful for my favorite little Ali and Cooper and everything I learned from the two of them, because believe it or not... it's helping me daily at college.  I am thankful for my Heavenly Father and for his grace in forgiving me for my mistakes and helping me stay strong as I face big life changes.  And lastly, I am thankful for all the good examples in my life and in this world helping me to become a better person as I transfer into adulthood.  I love you all!

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