Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day of Caring

      A couple of weeks ago I got up on a Saturday morning and went to volunteer in Eastern Utah's United Way Day of Caring.  I was tired from staying up too late and debated on even going at all but I pushed myself to go and I am so glad I did.  I volunteered at the community garden in Price.
     I began working by digging up some stubborn weeds.  I was working with a high school student from Carbon High and an elderly lady by the name of Francis.  I loved talking with them both!  I gravitate to the elderly though because I really enjoy hearing their stories and all the cool things they have done in their lives.  As I got to know her better, I found out that her husband, Lamar, is actually the main volunteer at the garden and is the one who had worked so hard to make it so great for everyone.
     My friend, Connor also volunteers at the garden with Lamar so I had heard of him before.  It was kind of cool to get to put faces to names.  Francis and Lamar both love Connor and all the hard work he does, they raved about him for a while and it was pretty funny ;)  It was really great to get to know them!  Francis told me about how they went on a mission for the LDS church to Chile and about their children and their life together.  I want to be like that with my husband when I am their age!  They are both in their 80's but act like they are just coming up on their 60's.  Their spirits are so lively and so exciting to be around!
     Aside from the amazing people I got to meet while volunteering, I did actually work to help the garden look better.  I did some weeding and straightening of the soil.  Although it was a small act, it was a contribution to helping the garden look so much better for the community to enjoy.  Seeing the finished product after the volunteers had been there was truly amazing.
     Service is one of the best things in life.  Acts small and large can make an impact on lives of many.  Each act of service that we do can help someone else but also make us feel so good inside for helping someone else.  Our world is a large community, instead of taking each other to war we should be trying to help and serve each other to make the world a better place.  I am so grateful for the opportunities I have to serve others and help the world become a better place, even  if it's just by a small act.

Go out and find someone to serve, I promise you will feel so much happier and so much more purpose in your life. :)

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