Thursday, January 15, 2015

Spring Semester 2015

Well hello all!  Welcome to slackerville, I'm Casey and I'm so obviously the mayor here.  I apologize for the lack of posts.  It's been about two months since my last one!  I made it through semester one of college!!  It was quite an adventure!  Although, I have to say it wasn't nearly as bad as everyone said it would be!  Finals week was somewhat stressful but I made it through and passed all of my classes!  Afterward, I went home for Christmas break and I got to hang out with some old friends and that was much needed!  The saddest part however was losing my little Rosie.  She made her way to Doggie Heaven and I miss her so so much!  I've had her since I was six years old.  Losing a dog is like losing a family member but she lived a good long life and I'm sure she is loving where she is now!  
So what's new with me?  Well, I started Spring Semester this week.  It technically began last Wednesday but guess who went to the hospital that day instead?

This chick.

I ended up there because I had a high fever.  Luckily it was only the flu but I had to stay home all three days last week.  So, I began school Monday and so far I'm loving it.  I have a position on campus that requires two hours from my week.  I am one of the student success mentors.  It's a lot of fun so far and I love the people I get to interact with!  I also started my first institute class which so far, is great!

I never took seminary in high school so this is a whole new world for me.  The class is called The Gospel and The Productive Life.  There is only four people in the class so far.  Others are enrolled but haven't shown up.  I think this class is going to be a really good thing for me and I'm already love going!  Speaking of church-related things, I am getting my Patriarchal Blessing this Sunday and I'm VERY excited about it!!  I truly love the Gospel and all that it does for my life.  There are many people who don't know a lot about my religion or who despise me and other members because of it.  If I have one piece of advice for those people, it's to truly investigate our church.  Talk with missionaries in your area, they have an amazing message to share and they just want to be your friend!  Or, go to  that will also give you information! After being away from the church for a few years and coming back, there is nothing that I know to be more true than The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!

I want to take a quick second to also give a shout out to someone who has truly made me realize a lot recently.  Miranda, thank you so much for teaching me all that you have through your actions.  You have overcome such a difficult trial and through that, you have shown me the importance of my life and the people in it.  I love you so much and I'm so so proud of you!!  Truthfully, EVERYONE should be reading her blog.

Anyways, overall college is treating me really well. I have made some really good friends here and I continue to find new opportunities behind every door.  I am grateful for the friendship I have found in my roommate who is now one of my best friends.  We might not always get along but we always have each others back and are a constant support.  

Those in college, those planning for college or those just simply embarking on a new journey... enjoy it.  Don't take it for granted.  Hold onto the relationships that come into your life right now, they will be some of the best ones. Love you guys much!  I will try to post more than once every two months!! Have a great night!

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