Monday, February 23, 2015

And My Heart Grew Three Sizes

    So here comes another post about my amazing life in little Price, America.  I seriously love it here.  Who knew it would take a little tiny town to open my eyes?  This particular post is about my friends and I; we have all made incredible changes to make our lives better.  My heart grows each and every time I think about each of them and how amazing they are!
   I'm going to start with the biggest testimony building experience I have had since moving to Price.  I never thought I would move to this town alone and find such amazing people who would change my life forever.  I definitely never thought I would move here and have an experience such as this one.  When I got here, I met two pretty rockin' gentlemen through my roommates and only about a month later, found out that one of them was planning to be baptized soon.  His name is Connor.  
   Right before I moved I watched many of my friends prepare for missions and leave on them.  I had been inactive for so long and I supported them 110% but I didn't have much of testimony of the Gospel.  I never thought I would have the opportunity to see what missionaries do on such a personal level.  Hearing about Connor's decision to be baptized opened my mind in so many ways!  At that point I had started to come back to the church and do the right things; the joy I felt at this time was completely indescribable.  
   Then the day arrived in late October; Catherine and I were literally so excited that we showed up 30 minutes early and sat on the front row.  It was honestly... amazing.  To hear the people speak, to see him go from a bright individual to a radiant member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and to see the huge smile on his face, that was what it was all about.  My heart and testimony grew to a size I never knew existed.  Connor's conversion and continuing faith is such an example to me.  

   The second gentleman goes by the name of Jared.  Haha!  The changes that Jared has made in his life to come closer to Christ has been really cool to watch!  There were many nights he, Catherine and I would stay up late talking, sharing experiences and getting to know each other on a whole other level.  Our friendships continue to grow because we all have this bond of 'imperfection' that helps us build our testimonies together.  Jared, for whatever reason, tends to be the butt of all our jokes.  However, we love him a whole lot!  He brings a lot of laughter into our group of friends and let me tell you, learning to laugh things off has been one of my biggest challenges.  Because of Jared, it has started to become easier for me.

   Alright Catherine, this section is for you!  Haha!  For real though, I never thought I would end up with a best friend that could relate so easily.  Catherine and I both struggled with building our testimonies and having a 'real' conversion to the church.  Without each other we wouldn't have been able to attend church as easily.  We are so lucky to have each other as a support system.  Through the church, each other, our friends on missions and the friends we have made in Price, we have been able to change for the best.  
   Catherine has been able to help me as I slowly come back to the church.  I lack so much knowledge about the church and she has been so willing to slow down and explain things to me so I get it.  Her testimony has grown a lot in the last few months and being able to be with her, well basically 24/7, I have seen the light of Christ shine through her.  Her example of dedication to Christ has made me want that in my own life.  She makes it possible for me to find joy in the small things and KNOW my Savior loves me no matter what.

   Now for the newest addition to our lovely group, Jaydan.  His testimony has helped me grow immensely.  He is such a humble person with SUCH a big heart!  Two of the best things about him is his 'true conversion' story and how much he loves his mother.  He has taught me so much in just the short time I have known him.  I have gained a testimony from his experiences that have helped me to grow.  I have been able to find a new love for my friends and family because of him.  Jaydan honestly has a very unique heart; one that is really hard to find.  His example is one that I will forever cherish.

   I want all of these individuals, the friends I have met here in Price, my friends on missions, my family and the leaders of this church to know how grateful I am for them.  My testimony has grown above and beyond what I ever thought it would be.  I love each of you so much for strengthening that in me, even if you didn't know you were.  I'm blessed with such amazing people in my life and I wouldn't trade it for the world!  This church is so very true.  The Lord placed people in our lives so that we might grow and learn from them, I was given some of the best!!  I can't wait for these friendships to grow and prosper as we grow up, have families and grow old.  I love you all so much! You're truly helping shape who I am today and who I'll be tomorrow! :)

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