Saturday, April 25, 2015

The House Of The Lord

I just want to express my love for the temple.  I have definitely struggled in my life to make the church and my Savior my number one.  I'm lucky enough to know that my Savior loves me and has given me another chance!  
I have been inside the temple two times in my life thus far.  Last month (March) I went with my roommate and wonderful friend, Catherine.  I was so nervous and I was struggling to find the Spirit.  However, one I was confirmed and dunked to do baptisms for the dead, my heart was full of pure joy.  I was overwhelmed and the happiness and peace I felt.  It was so amazing. I left feeling so happy I went and that I was showing The Lord how much I truly loved him and all my brothers and sisters.
The second time I went was yesterday.  I'm so glad that my good friend Connor encouraged me to go all week.  I really didn't feel like going, I was just as nervous as I was the first time and I was letting that make my choice.  What I realized was, I wasn't nervous because I was actually nervous.  I knew that Satan was trying to get inside my head and make me stay home.  But when I went, I felt so happy.  The spirit was so strong as I say there listening to the confirmations and then being baptized for those who also deserve a second chance and knowing the truth.
Our Heavenly Father has blessed us with second chances.  He has blessed us with opportunities to visit is 'Heaven on Earth' so that we can feel close to him.  Take the opportunities... Don't let them pass by.  We are so fortunate to have a loving Father in Heaven who sent his Son to die for us so that we may be saved.  We are so blessed to have Jesus Christ who knows us and all of our circumstances and will always hold out his hand for you to grab, no matter what.  We just have to let down our pride long enough to see that and grasp His hand with a full heart.  I love this church and it's teachings and I encourage everyone to visit the temple often, even just to sit on the grass outside.  I also encourage everyone to learn more about the church and discover the truths for yourself, find questions you have and take them to the missionaries... They will help you find answers.  
I'm so blessed to be able to visit the temples and continue to allow the spirit in my life, it's truly the greatest feeling! :) 

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