Thursday, May 14, 2015

Step Two

    Can I just express to you what a WONDERFUL journey my Freshman year of college has been?  I have made friends that I know are going to be life-long and I have learned things beyond what I ever thought I could.  I have had the opportunity to serve in the community and to get to know 'Price locals' who are pretty great by the way!  My heart and my hope have grown here... I want so much more for myself and my future!  I'm so blessed to be where I am!
    My life was no walk in the park when I first moved here.  Nobody has life that easy, we all struggle, stumble and fall.  Price has enhanced my lifestyle in so many ways.  I never believed I would be active in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints again but here I am... going on month 9 of being fully active.  It feels AMAZING!  I have goals and I know where my life is headed if I continue down this path that Christ has made for me.        

    I never thought I would meet the kind of friends that you just crave to have in your future, always.  When I left home I had 2 of that kind of friend.  Now, after being here in Price, I have 6.  On top of this, I have met people that have changed my life and made it such a brighter place.  Those people will NEVER be forgotten and will always hold a dear place in my heart wherever life takes us.  I can't believe how lucky I am that I was blessed with the friends I needed right when I needed them.  


    After this first year of college I am about 80% sold on going into the field of Social Work. I know what I have been through and if I can help others going through hard times and prevent them from feeling the way I felt sometimes, I'm going to.  Social Work has such a power to change the world and build us back up.  To me, being in Social Work means taking care of EVERYONE.  Obviously, it is impossible for me to take care of every person ever... but I can take care of as many as I can and join the races with other Social Workers. We need people to care for each other in this world so that we can knock out as much evil as possible.

    This first year of college has been the greatest blessing.  I made changes that will stick with me forever.  I made the choice to be who I am and to love my Father in Heaven who made me this way.  I'm grateful to know my Savior again and continue to learn everything I can about His Gospel.  I am super excited to be staying in Price this summer and working the job I really wanted at Dinosaur Tire Les Schwab.  The people there are absolutely wonderful and I'm loving it already!  Ya know, life isn't always rainbows and butterflies, but life is pretty wonderful right now and I wouldn't change much.  :) 

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