Friday, June 19, 2015

"Just Another Day in Paradise"

     For whatever reason the song, "Just Another Day in Paradise" has been flowing through my mind the last week or so.  A few minutes ago, it played on the radio so I figured it was time to put my thoughts on paper.  The song itself talks about how every day is a rush with things to do and responsibilities to take care of.  It truly brings forward every day 'crazy' life that we all experience.  But the chorus... best part.  To realize that every single day is a gift... in the life we made for ourselves... it is Paradise. 

   I share my personal insight with you so that you might be able to find your Paradise.  I'm standing in mine.  You better believe I have my days where I feel like I'm anywhere BUT Paradise, but when I look around and realize how lucky I really am... I hope that I'm given the opportunity to stay another day.  

   Back to my comment about the life we made for ourselves.  The life you have right now, is what you have chosen.  Yes, OF COURSE we all have situations that are brought on by other people but we have the power to control the path it takes us down.  We all have someone who has hurt us and brought us down. However, we can choose to jump back up and stand taller or let it bury us in the ground.  For a long, long time I was choosing to stay underground.  I let one person be my reason for quitting, failure, lack of values, stress, you name it!  I found out this last year how wrong I was.  That person did hurt me and send me into depression but I had the choice to come out of it and I didn't until just recently.
   Life is SO much better when I choose how I'm going to react to a situation or a person.  I'm working step by step to build my Paradise.  There is absolutely NO reason you can't do that too.  If these next few sentences aren't your belief, that's okay.  Read them anyway ;)  I truly believe with my entire heart that our Father in Heaven is watching over us and cheering us on as we build our own versions of Paradise.  He is the only person who will constantly listen to our worries, doubts, trials and triumphs.  He loves us undeniably.  As we strive to make our home here a Paradise, He is building up His Paradise for us to someday be a part of.  How lucky are we?    

Here's to good changes... Build on! <3


1 comment:

  1. Love this post!! I can relate, I went thru a depression back in 2008, but I knew God gave me two beautiful girls to live for. That helped to get me out of the deep, but I personally had to have reasons, a drive, a determination to live in my "Paradise".
    Thanks for sharing!
