Monday, September 28, 2015

Breaking News; Healing Hearts

            If you’re reading this, chances are you know my big news or you’re about to find out.  I have decided to finish up my associate’s degree this spring (2016), and then serve as a full-time missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  There are very few words to honestly explain the excitement and nervousness I feel.  I am incredibly excited to be able to serve The Lord and help bring His kingdom back together again.  I may not have all the knowledge of the Gospel, but I have a growing testimony that this church is the only true church and it is the entry way back to our Father in Heaven.  I also know that as I teach others about the gospel and face challenges as a missionary, my knowledge will grow.
            I want to share some of the things that led me to making this decision.  My hope is that it will possibly help those of you who are making the decision yourself and that anyone else who reads this might take something from it.  So here we go!

1. The Promptings
            In eight different talks our beloved Prophet, Thomas S. Monson, tells us to “never, never postpone a prompting from the Lord.”  How right he is.  A few months ago serving a mission crossed my mind. I thought about the idea for a while but then I pushed it aside. I had honestly felt peace in my heart about staying home or going, so I decided I was just going to stay and finish school.  But then just recently, the thought of a mission entered my mind again. To be honest I wasn’t exactly accepting of the idea, I thought about it but I continued to push it aside.
            It turns out this wasn’t just a thought in my mind but a prompting of the Spirit. I was doing the wrong thing in ignoring it. However, when I put my will aside and realized this was the Lord talking to me and it was His will, I began to more prayerfully consider serving a full-time mission. Later that week, I saw the quote from President Monson that I previously stated and I knew that I had made the right decision to begin praying with pure intent to find an answer.

2. Prayer
            When I began to pray about serving a mission I wasn’t receiving any answers. Looking back now I realize the reason I wasn’t was because of the hardness in my own heart.  I was truly scared because I didn’t necessarily want the answer that told me to go and serve.   After a little while I understood that every fear I had about leaving demonstrated lack of faith in my Savior. I was concerned about leaving family who ‘needed me’, leaving and missing the opportunity to date and find my special someone, serving somewhere where my health might disable me, and not having enough knowledge of the church to truly tell people about it and bring them unto Christ… the list goes on and on.
            Putting all my fears aside I prayed that I might find peace. The more I prayed the more I understood that these weren’t really necessary fears at all. All I had to do was trust in my Heavenly Father and my loving brother and Savior Jesus Christ. When I finally came to this realization I was able to really listen to the answer I was given.  Not many prayers later I knew I was supposed to serve but I also knew that my Father in Heaven would take care of all of the things I was worried about.
            Prayer is a way to talk to the person who loves us most and let Him calm our fears.   Through prayer any question can be answered we just have to have faith in God’s timing.

3. Scripture Study
            Recently as I have read the scriptures, I have found myself not even noticing the time again for hours.  I have found an amazing love for the scriptures and they have truly changed my life, especially the Book of Mormon.  As I read, I find answers to my questions.  I have found many verses in my reading lately that have described serving a mission for The Lord.  It is simply just another confirmation to me that this is what I need to be preparing for.  A lot of my answers were found in Alma 29.  My favorite part is Alma 29: 9-10.  It says, “I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.  And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me.”
            Go into your scripture study truly prepared to feast on the words.  Also before you begin reading, pray and ask The Lord the questions you have in your life.  I promise you it is not a coincidence when you begin reading and certain verses or words stand out to you.  This is The Lord’s way of speaking directly to you and helping you through your mortal journey.  Take advantage of the answers that you have right in front of you… read and then really listen.  He is speaking to you!

4. Priesthood Blessings
            The priesthood is one of the most amazing gifts that The Lord has placed on this earth.  It’s so wonderful that Joseph Smith has been able to restore that for us today.  I received my patriarchal blessing less than a year ago.  It is a blessing from your Heavenly Father directly to you as an individual.  It helps to guide and direct your life.  After reading and studying my own, I knew a mission was the pathway being provided for me and that I should take that opportunity.
            My patriarchal blessing wasn’t the only blessing to give me answers.  After quite a while of wondering if a mission was the right decision for me, I was given a wonderful blessing by a worthy and spiritually in-tune priesthood holder.  Through that blessing, I was able to hear that my calling was to serve.  I cannot describe to you how great it felt to hear that answer come from my loving Father in Heaven through one of His sons.  Pay attention to the words spoken to you in blessings, they will guide you and heal you.

5. Humbleness
            Humbling myself was a HUGE step to understanding what The Lord’s will was.  I was going through some hard times this past summer and I went into my room, sat on the floor and truly cried.  I poured my heart out to my Heavenly Father, telling him my worries, struggles and fears.  The next morning I woke up with so much peace in my heart and from then on, I humbled myself and trusted in Him more than ever before.  I KNEW my Heavenly Father loved me because He was there for me that night.  He made it possible to change my life almost overnight and my faith grew so much.  Because I was shown what it is to be humble and feel a change in my life, I have a desire to help others feel that same thing… thus, a mission. 
            If you haven’t spent time like that with your Heavenly Father, I encourage you to do so.  Find a way to OUT LOUD speak to Him, cry to Him, whatever it may be.  He will listen and I promise you, your life will be changed for the better and you will come to know the mercy and love of your Father.

6. The Big Change
            Another reason I have chosen to serve a mission is because of the change and happiness the gospel has brought to my life and the life of those around me.  I have had the opportunity to watch close friends come unto Christ as well as feel the change in myself as I came back to Christ.  He really is our Savior and He loves us no matter how far away we get.  If we can humble ourselves so that we may change to become His again, we will find ultimate happiness.  Change is GOOD.  Understanding the love that our Savior has for us will help us make positive changes in our lives. 
            The choices we make right now are guaranteed to affect the lives of our prosperity and isn’t that such a cool thought?  That is why a mission and serving The Lord in general is so important to me.  I want my children to have the spirit in their lives and be able to pass on that joy forever. 

7. The Atonement of Jesus Christ
            One of the biggest reasons I have decided on serving a mission is the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Our Savior did something SO wonderful for us.  He died so that we might be able to live and be forgiven.  After 6+ years of being an inactive member, I was able to repent and return to the gospel that now fills my heart.  This was possible because of a Savior who loves me and loves you so much.  If I can bring even a little bit of the happiness I’m feeling into the life of someone else, I will be satisfied. 
            Another way I look at this is, the Savior made the ultimate sacrifice for me, so why can’t I spend a short period of time in my life to fully serve Him?  He loved me enough to give up everything and I love Him enough to share His gospel for the short time He is asking me for.  John 21:17 says, “He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him a third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.”
            Even as members, we are asked to feed His sheep.   I hope that on my mission I can have that opportunity and that until then, I will find ways to share the gospel around me to those who might be searching for it.  I truly love my Savior and I am blessed to have the gift and opportunity to serve a mission in the near future.  I am so excited and so grateful for the love and support I am receiving from many of you!  Thanks for reading this post and have an amazing day! <3




  1. What a wonderful, uplifting, spiritual, inspirational read! Thank you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
