Sunday, March 27, 2016

He is Hope

This Easter Sabbath day has brought a simple peace to my heart. 

Easter is a day to remember our loving Savior Jesus Christ who died, but more importantly lives, for each of us. He saves us from the depths of misery and pain, from sorrow and loneliness. With our sweet Savior, we are never alone and our lives can be eternally joyful. 

Each of has and will experience trials, hardships and moments of despair in our lives. This mortal journey is not an easy one but it is of great worth. It is a trial of faith; it is a time to get to know, believe in, love and stand by our Savior. 

Because He lives we are enabled to live a life of happiness. 

Because He lives we are able to find peace, hope and love in every day.

Because He lives we are able to overcome all the hardships that we face.

Because He lives we can have our families through the eternities.

Because He lives, we can live. 

He atoned for our sins, died and was resurrected because of His divine love for each and every one of God's children.  He gives us hope for a new day, a new life and a new chance. 

The picture I am sharing is one that has come through my Facebook news feed several times this month. The message it shares is one of hope - He is hope. 

Because of Him, what transformation can we make in the next three days? Where will we decide to drive our mortal journey? Who will we have at our side and in our heart?

Happy Easter :) 

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